Adopt A House
You make it feel like home.
Our founders started Shiloh House with the vision of creating a loving, home-like environment for foster youth. The youth in our homes are working everyday to overcome emotional and behavioral challenges. A major component to their success is making sure they feel comfortable and supported during their healing process. You can be a part of our youth’s healing process by pledging your support to the needs of a house.
Join our Shiloh Family
Find the right role for you!
When you Adopt A House, you are joining the Shiloh family. Just like in any family, everyone has their role. Are you the handy friend, always working on a home project? Do you celebrate traditions and make every holiday extra special? Are you the fun energy in the room who makes the most of every day? There are many ways you can serve Shiloh House. Whether you want to support as an individual or with a group of peers, we can find the right role for you!
Holiday Helper
The youth in our residential programs spend every day with us and we must make those extra special days count. As a Holiday Helper, you will support the special holiday needs of one of our homes. Through birthday cakes, Christmas stockings, Thanksgiving pie, or Easter baskets; you will make our youth feel loved on the days that matter the most.
Commitment levels:
Sponsor all holiday needs throughout the year for $2,500 ($208 per month).
Serve 24 volunteer hours throughout the year including activities such as carving pumpkins, baking holiday cookies, or hosting an easter egg hunt.
*All volunteers participating in house activities MUST complete volunteer level 2 training. Please click here to review the details for volunteering training.
Weekend Warrior
When the weekend rolls around, our youth love to participate in fun activities. Whether they are enjoying a trip to the Denver Zoo or playing soccer in the backyard. Our Weekend Warriors provide games, sports equipment, and weekend outings; nurturing a fun-loving environment for our youth!
Commitment Level:
Sponsor a year of weekend fun and games for $3,500 ($292 per month).
Serve 12 volunteer hours throughout the year, spending quality time with youth in the community.
*All volunteers participating in house activities MUST complete volunteer level 2 training. Please click here to review the details for volunteering training.
Jack of All Trades
We have 7 residential homes. With each of these homes comes a lot of upkeep. From furniture to routine maintenance, we are dedicated to maintaining a comfortable environment for our youth. As a Jack of All Trades, you’ll help keep up with all home improvements!
Commitment Levels:
Sponsor a year of home repair projects up to $5,000 ($416 per month).
Serve 12 hours of volunteer projects throughout the year including home repairs and yard work.
Adopt A House Today
If you are interested in one of our Adopt A House roles, contact our team today to get more information and take the next steps!