Thank you to everyone who was involved in our 2019 holiday season!Shiloh House we have so much to be thankful for here at Shiloh House.

All of the youth at Shiloh House had a wonderful Christmas morning. Thanks to so many generous donors, our youth woke up to presents under the tree just for them! They spent the day playing with new games and toys, making Christmas crafts, and working together to make a wonderful Christmas dinner. Staff and youth loved using teamwork to bake brownies and cookies and cook the ham, rice, and scalloped potatoes. The holidays can be a confusing time for youth at Shiloh House, but thanks to the support of the community, we were able to create new positive memories for the kids to carry with them forever!

This season was also so impactful because of all our generous donors who made a year-end contribution. Thanks to you, our Destination Hope campaign was a success! We raised funds for vehicle upkeep, fuel, and replacement costs. These gifts help our youth to stay on the road of healing, restoration, and hope! This is a great way to start 2020, each of our programs use our vehicles daily, and rely on them as the sole means of keeping our youth connected to the support systems they need in order to heal and grow.