Are you interested in getting connected with a non-profit and making a difference in your community? Hosting a drive is a great way to meet the needs of a non-profit in your area, spread awareness about the problem a nonprofit is working to solve, and rally up others to support a cause you’re passionate about. It isn’t difficult to hold a successful drive as long as you arm yourself with the proper tools. We’ve come up with five tips to make sure the drive you host is as successful as it can be.

  1. Spread the word: Tell your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or anyone that will listen all about your drive. If you’re going to use a social media avenue, use the channel that works best for you and your network. That may mean creating a Facebook post or event, featuring images of drive items on Instagram, or tweeting the details to all of your followers.
  2. Create a timeline: While many of your enthusiastic supporters will drop off their donation at the start of your drive, some will wait until the last minute. Having a clear date marking the beginning and end of your drive will help remind your supporters to bring their donations in on time!
  3. Remind: No matter how long your drive is, it’s important to send out reminders. A quick text, call, or email reminder can be the difference between your drive being considered as a nice thought and having someone follow through with a donation.
  4. Be clear: Make sure your supporters know what you’re collecting, where, and why! That way you’ll get the right items in and make donating as easy as possible for your supporters. When Shiloh supporters host a drive, we provide them with a flier including all of the items being collected, so all it takes is passing that information along!
  5. Know your non-profit: There are many amazing non-profit organizations in Colorado, and each one has varying needs. The best way to hold a successful drive is to reach out to someone working at the organization and find out what their greatest needs are at the time. That way, all your hard work will pay off and you’ll know you’ve helped to fill a specific need for your non-profit!


If you would like to host a drive for Shiloh House, please visit our Start a Drive Page  and fill out our electronic form to get involved! You can also contact our Development Coordinator, Delaney Reimers, at or 303-933-1393.